Aha ... gotcha!

So, is it true? Actually, it is true. Getting your AdSense account approved for your YouTube channel is not a difficult process, and applying through your Channel's monetization tab will most likely result in your account being approved within hours, or a day.

Obviously you need to meet the minimum requirements:
  • must be 18 years of age or older to apply for Adsense
  • should have some monetizable content on your channel (even one video)
  • cannot have had a previously disabled Adsense account
  • your monetization tab must be enabled by YouTube
If you meet those requirements, the chances are that your AdSense application for monetizing your channel will be approved.

Yay, right? Well, maybe not.

If you are applying with your YouTube channel so you can use Adsense in other places, like your blog or your website, then you will be disappointed.

If you apply through your Channel and are approved, the only place you can use your AdSense is ON YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

And yes, that's the truth. You cannot run around willy-nilly slapping ads on your blogs or websites.

YouTube approved AdSense account are for YouTube only.

So, for any of you hoping to get Adsense for your blog or website simply by applying through YouTube ... well you can forget that.

In the AdSense forum, we see hundreds of questions (almost every day) asking why ads won't show on their blog or website, when their AdSense account is fully approved. And the reason is exactly what I noted above - they got "fully" approved for a HOST AdSense account for use on YouTube. NOT for use anywhere else.

Can I still Use that AdSense Account for a Blog or Website?

The answer to that is yes, but only under certain circumstances. If you own a website (or a blog with a custom domain), then you can apply through your approved Host AdSense account to upgrade from a Host AdSense account to a Standard Adsense account (one that allows you to use Adsense pretty much anywhere it's allowed).

The catch is that in order to submit a request to upgrade your Host account, you need a Top Level Domain. Like a .com or .net or .something. You cannot apply for the upgrade using a blogspot URL; you cannot apply using a wordpress.com URL; you cannot apply using any subdomain URL. You need your own domain to apply for the upgrade request. IF your upgrade request is approved with your own domain, then you can ALSO use ads on your other blogspot URLs.  Once you've upgraded to a standard AdSense account, you can use your ad code anywhere (note: anywhere that complies with policy. Non-complying sites showing your ads can get your account disabled)

Got it? Good. That means anyone who actually is wanting ads on their site or blog needs to get it approved - applying for a YouTube Host AdSense account isn't going to make that any easier, or any faster than if you applied straight away just using your blog or website, regardless of what those hundreds and hundreds of "other" blogs out there tell you.
Unsuitable blogs will stay unsuitable blogs, even if you get approved for YouTube. Websites incompatible with Adsense will stay incompatible. Adsense will not approve a Host account upgrade for sites that simply aren't suitable just because you already have a monetized channel.
On top of that, going through your Host AdSense account to apply for an upgrade can actually take longer than if you'd applied for AdSense with your blog or website in the first place (it can take as long as a month for the upgrade review to be completed).

So in the end, yes it's quick to get approved on YouTube, which is really only going to be any good if what you really want to monetize is your videos. If what you actually want to monetize is a blog or website, then apply with one that is something AdSense will actually want to monetize. Trying to skip that step and go straight for an account through YouTube will only end up causing you more time and just as much work to get your site or blog approved.

posted by J. Gracey Stinson


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