This is fast becoming one of the most prevalent questions we're seeing in the AdSense Help Forum, and most likely in the YouTube Help Forum as well.

Minors under the age of 18 can't sign up for their own Adsense account, even if you can have your own YouTube Channel (YouTube's age requirement is 13 I believe). This becomes a problem when the minor tries to sign up themselves and AdSense rejects their application. Instructions given in some areas simply tell the minor to have a parent sign up for them. But don't explain exactly how to do that.

What you can't do is resubmit your application through your YouTube Channel by changing the email address from your own, to one of your parent's email addresses. That will get you rejected again. You also can't directly submit an application for AdSense with one of your own email accounts and put your parent's name on the application form.

The steps to sign up for an AdSense account need to be taken separately by the parent.  The parent needs their own Google Account/Email address in their name. And the parent will also need to have a website, or blog (, or YouTube Channel (in their name, not in your name) to apply with.  Once the parent has an approved AdSense account, it can be linked to your YouTube Channel.

However, in some cases, the parent doesn't have a website or blog, or even a monetizable YouTube Channel, so in effect, there isn't any way for the parent to apply for Adsense for the minor.

The simplest thing for a parent to do is to create a YouTube Channel under their own name. Their YouTube Channel doesn't need a lot of videos to qualify for monetization.  Once they create a YouTube Channel, the parent can upload one video (or have their child upload the video for them) and wait for YouTube to enable the Channel for monetization. Once it's enabled, the parent can apply for Adsense through the Channel's monetize tab (on the monetize page, the parent will need to look for and click the link that says "how do I get paid" to get the Adsense application).  Once the parent's account is approved, the minor can link it to their own channel, following instructions to do so on YouTube.

If you are a minor who is hoping or planning to get a full Partnership someday on YouTube and are working towards monetizing your videos, you need to plan ahead a little, in order to make this process simpler, and trouble-free.

Make sure you are aware of the content requirements for monetized videos, particularly if you use visuals from gameplay in your videos.


  1. Sit down with your parent(s) or legal guardian at the computer and explain the monetizing process to them - especially if they aren't very familiar with the web.
  2. Explain why you can't sign up yourself for AdSense, and why you'd like your parent to sign up for you.
  3. Go to the AdSense Help Center and read through the AdSense Program Policies and Terms and Conditions with your parent.  This part is important, because it will be your parent who is the party owning the AdSense account, and they should be aware of the requirements. The parent's name will be the "payee name" in the AdSense account, and the parent will be responsible for collecting the earnings, and for paying any taxes due on the earnings (no, I'm sorry I can't help you with tax requirements for whatever country you live in). And because they will be responsible for that, they should understand the requirements. YOU should understand the requirements in the Terms and Conditions as well,  because you will still be responsible for following them since the account will be monetizing your channel.
  4. Next, if your parent doesn't have a Google Account, help them sign up for one. If they don't have an email address, have them sign up for a gmail account. 
  5. Then take your parent to YouTube and have them set up a YouTube Channel under their own name. Even if they don't plan to use it. This YouTube Channel will be the way you submit an application for AdSense. If your parent has no interest in making their own videos, create one or two videos yourself - make sure their contents are suitable for monetizing. Upload those videos to your parent's YouTube channel.
This YouTube account owned by your parent(s), will be the way you apply for Adsense directly from a YouTube channel.  Now you have the requirements in place, and your parents are aware of what's happening. 

Once the parent's channel is enabled for monetizing by YouTube, the application for Adsense is made directly through the parent's channel with the parent's email address.  That means either you, or your parent will need to login to their Google Account, and their YouTube Channel and submit the AdSense application directly through their channel.

Preparing this in advance (before trying to monetize your own videos) will mean a lot less hassle and aggravation, and less problems in trying to get your own channel monetized.

With a parent's channel already monetized and approved by AdSense, you can now simply link your own YouTube Channel to your parent's AdSense account.

This solution seems to me a lot simpler than trying to make a suitable website or blog for your parent, particularly since the requirements for using Adsense on a blog or website require a lot of written articles (original articles, not copied from somewhere else), and in some cases, a wait of six months before it would be approved.


Keep in mind that when a parent monetizes your channel, you should also take the time to find out the best options for safe-guarding both your Channel, and the AdSense account against invalid activity. It can happen to anyone - even on a YouTube Channel, so be sure you use the tracking options available to you.


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