How to write best blog post article.

Well,if you are in a blogger field than for sure u might have think alot,how to write best article and how to get more organic traffic day by day right??
In this article i will give you some suggestions not tips and tricks to get organic traffic and long blog post.


Topic is the most important thing when you are blogging,Topic makes good,introductory,content,subheading,main body,impotant points etc.All these comes from topic,so when you are about to start writting think about the topic nicely.If you get the topic clearly into your head than i assure you your blog post will become the best article over intenet.


After topic we all know what is introduction so make the best intro when you write your article.Give proper introduction so that your viewer get stuck over it and go through all the blog post till the end.Give some important points in intro and you can even make quotation relating to your topic.
By giving good quotation your presentation becomes strong and becomes the best.

3.Content/main body.

When you start writting content just dont make too long or flashy,dont write down simply,make paragraph,underline the important points,make it bold and italic etc.
Focus on important points your viewer is only interested in answer to what they are seeking for.If your content is not upto their mark or if they dont get any answer they will just leave the post and your blog too and never come back again.
So write down the content like you are answering to someones else.This will make your article good and in the long run who knows your article will be rank in the first page.


While writting the article never ever complet the post in one paragraph,it looks too long and viewer just leave the post simply.Make good paragraph and each paragraph should contain atleast two important points so that your viewer stick to it and complete your blog post.
Paragraph makes the blog post more attractive and even more beautiful.So make 3-4 para in each blog post.


To look more attractive you can use images but make sure that you dont use other images.If you can make logo than download some logo app and make it some good logo and use it.Using other downloaded images make your blog post unrank in google.Or you can use images which dosnt have copyright content.


After all this make good conclusion at the end of the aritcle.When you sumup your article reflect to your viewers and readers like if you have better idea share with us,this gets the attention of the readers.
Conclusion also attract the viewers so be good in it.

Thank you.


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