Well. talking about trying something different, I got my hands on a little tub of whole milk ricotta cheese for the first time! From Trader Joes. The ingredient list seems acceptable: whey, acetic acid, salt. Of course, there was something in my mind that I wanted to make.

Canned sardines was mashed into this creamy ricotta cheese to make a protein-packed spread or pâté. A spreadable paste that can be used as easily as...just like lathering creamy peanut butter on bread/toast and crackers. Now, with this homemade sardine-cheese spread, I can have another super-quick sandwich option besides a basic sliced-cheese sandwich.

Sardine Ricotta Cheese Spread/Pâté 沙丁鱼里科塔奶酪酱
2 cans of sardines (my favorite is Crown Prince Brisling Sardines, sometimes switching between King Oscar brand, or Wild Planet)
4-6 tbsp (or more, if you want more cheese to sardine ratio) ricotta cheese (Trader Joes)
6-8 sprigs of cilantro, finely chopped
Fresh ground black pepper
Directions: In a deep mixing bowl, mash up the sardines (canned tuna also works!), then add ricotta cheese and mix well. When evenly mixed, add the cilantro, mix again, then add freshly ground black pepper. Use as spread or dips. Store remaining in airtight container 3-5 days in the fridge.
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Tag: sardine ricotta spread
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