Hatch is to chili pepper, just as Champagne is to sparkling wine. Now, this is how I remember what Hatch Chile is all about.

As the pickled Hatch chili was "tested" mild- or even non-spicy, the rest of the hatch peppers did not share the same fate. They were stuffed with some leftover fried rice (e.g. Turmeric Spiced Rice) and roasted instead.

Before roasting
Rice Stuffed Hatch Chili Pepper
2 medium-size Hatch chili, cut a slit through and remove pith and seeds
Vegetarian or non-vegetarian leftover fried rice (about 1/2-1 cup of fried rice, to fill 2 Hatch chili).
Cheese or homemade pesto (optional)

Directions: Preheat oven 400F. Stuffed the Hatch chili with fried rice. Lay on baking sheet, drizzle some olive oil over the stuffed chili and sprinkle cheese or slather some pesto over the rice in the chili. Roast in the oven for about 25 minutes till the chili turns slightly charred on the outside and has turned tender-soft. Serve with vegetable-sides.

For this dish, I found that the rice became hard and dry in the roasting process, therefore it definitely needs improvements the next time.

Before roasting

On second thoughts, I prefer the pickled Hatch chili as a condiment.

After roasting

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