How many web pages on the internet?
It's not an easy task to be exact on the number of webpages on the internet, not just because there hasn't been a single body in existence that (if it's even possible) is able to keep track of the exact number of web-pages and also we should keep in mind that, the amount of content on the world wide web is growing enormously every single fraction of a second. Yet, we do know for one thing that Google by now (July 2013) has indexed more then 38 trillion individual internet web pages while some some sources in- and outside the Google corporation claim that the percentage of un-indexed and de-indexed (banned) pages is to be estimated somewhere between 18% and 24%.

If these estimations are anywhere near the actual reality, we should now have just about 45 trillion web-pages on the wild wild web in existence. Now, there's another thing to know: recent research by a group of SEO specialists showed that the average single web page size is 862 kB (kilobytes), consisting of some 16% of real (unique) content. That will give us a very rough estimate of 5,378 TB (5.4 Petabytes) of pure content which excludes data stored in millions of databases and private / corporate networks (intranets) world wide.

How much of total data on the web? I guess we'll be starting to talk Exabytes or even Zettabytes!How much of total data on the web? I guess we'll be starting to talk Exabytes and Zettabytes! In any case, more then you can read in a thousand lifetimes! Still looking for that top ranking position in the Google search engine results? Good luck! (or email me, I know how to do it!)


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