Facebook Sponsored Search
In February Facebook started testing-out a Sponsored Search, a new advertising structure that works  quite similar to traditional Facebook ads as they can leverage demographics, location, connections and interests/likes, but expresses itself in a different way.
We have launched a feature that surfaces sponsored results along with the organic results when people are looking for things on Facebook. We try to show people apps and pages they’ll be most interested in.
Sponsored Search advertisements are only offered on CPC (cost-per-click) basis, not on keyword level, meaning that if advertisers wish to show up for the search term “Search engine marketing” they would target the advertisement to show to those that like similar Pages or Apps.
Advertisers can target specific search entities that they’d like to show up against, including Pages, Places, and Apps. In addition to entity targeting, advertisers can further filter their ads based on demographics, location, and connections (those who Like vs. don’t Like my page already).


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